Submitting Effective Comments

A comment can express simple support or opposition to a waiver proposal or amendment. However, a constructive, information-rich comment that clearly communicates and supports its claims is more likely to influence FSSA's decision-making process.

These tips are designed to help the public submit comments that will have an impact and assist FSSA policy makers in improving waiver proposals and amendments.


Detailed Recommendations

Posted Comments
After submission, your comment will be processed by FSSA and may be posted for public viewing. However, comments may not be posted if:

Form Letters
While organizations often encourage members to submit form letters addressing common issues, keep in mind that a single, well-supported comment is often more influential than many form letters. FSSA bases decisions on sound reasoning and evidence, not on a majority of form letters.

This document is intended as a guide to help you submit effective comments; it is not legal advice. If you have legal questions or concerns, seek advice from a legal professional.